the awkward state of education in kharan

No doubt, education plays a vital role in every compartment of life. It richly contributes in development and prosperity of a nation and/or country.

as for as kharan’s education state is concerned, it is totally abysmal. Many of the schools have become “ghost schools”. teachers do not bother to go to their concerned schools to teach their classes even in headquarter, then how do they go to remote areas??

Students, living in kharan, have an extra ordinary interest in education, but either  the absentees of teachers, lack of building or schools’ closure becomes the cause of assassination of their desire to be educated. the state of education in headquarter is worse. It becomes worse to worst in rural areas. the schools, in scattered villages, are  closed throughout the year  and the presence of the concerned teacher is once in a blue moon.

while talking to a student in this regard, he said, “most of teachers, who have their duties in villages, do not go to their schools to teach their classes because they have been appointed on political basis. they receive their salary while staying at home. He furthermore exposed his reservations that how the state of education in district can be escalated if teachers are appointed on the basis of nepotism and favoritism”.1549273_431023213713656_4704767613773938099_n

the condition of degree college is further abysmal. there is dearth of lecturers of key subjects such as, chemistry, math, physics, computer etc. the premises of college shows a silence picture. students do not go to college, as there is an acute shortage of lecturers.10712868_1553470278226444_6847716282706185662_n

kharan, the backward most district of Balochistan in the field of education, has always been the victim of ignorance by government.

Higher authorities are responsible to take stern and uncompromising action against the fleeting teachers. Much and more has to be done for the abatement of teacher’s absentees. pay heed to the infrastructure of schools. New teachers to be appointed in dense-populated schools. Fair and free appointment to be ensured. Teachers have to be well-equipped with latest technologies to mount up the graph of education in district..

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