!ہمے بدتمیز این ذبان

پس: خالد! تراشرم نہت کہ تہ مہمان آنی دیما چو بد تمیزی ء گپ جت؟

خالد: ابا! من چے گشت؟

پس تہ یک وانندہ ہء اگاہ ترا لیٹرین ء روگی اتت گڈہ تہ بگشتین کہ من پیشاب ہ کنین یا واشروم ء رین, تہ پرچہ گو کہ من چروکنین, ءمناسب این زبان ہ نہ انت
خالد: ابا! ءمےشاداین ذبان بلوچی انت ہہ بد تمیزی این گپ ء نہ ات…بلوچی ء تہا گڈہ ہمے وڑ گشنتء منی قصور چے انت؟

kharan fort needs preservation

Centuries-old kharan fort  is  crumbling and needs  preservation. No doubt, it  holds  an handsome archaeological significance, but has  been  left  on  the  mercy  of  fate  and  has  become  a heaven  for  addicts.

The  fort  of  kharan  is  considered  the  heritage  of  a princely  state  that  is  unfortunately  fast  decaying. The  negligence  on  the  part  of government ,  NGOs and the  department  of archaeology  has  left  it  on  the  brink  of collapse.Kharan - Nosherwaan Fort - 2011 - 03

Kharan ,  once  a  part  of  Persian  empire, was  conquered  in 1789 by  Azad Khan  Nosherwani. It  had  the  distinction  of  being  one  of  the  four  princely  states prior  1951  when  it  was  merged  into  Balochistan state  union. It  was  ruled  by  Nosherwani  tribe.

Additionally, azad  khan  was  the  founder  of  the  state. He built  a  total  number  of  eleven  forts  to  successfully  defend  his  state  against  foreign  invasions. Amongst  them ,  the  biggest  were  the  fort  of  Karez  and  the  fort  of  kharan  city. Painfully, only  a  few  of  them  are  still  erected, though  in deteriorating  Condition ,  whereas  the  others  have  been  razed   to the ground.

The  fort  of  kharan  city ,  located  in  city’s  congested  locality ,  is  stunning  and  its  construction  modus  oprerandi is  said  to  be  mughal  alike  design. It  is  a  two  storyed  fort  and  is  spread  on  an  area  of  approximately  400 square  yards. It  was  built  in  three  years  with  a  workforce  of 400. It  is  made  of  mud  and  small  bricks. However, some  locals  are  of  the  opinion  that  “gutch”( a  contemporary constructing   material ) has  been  used  in  its  construction.

Moreover ,  an  archaeological  heritage  is  a  site which  the  people  visit  to  contact  with  past, but  on  the  contrast, the  fort  of  kharan  has  never   caught  the  sight  of visitors as the  government’s  ill   treatment  towards  the  fort  has  barred  the  latter  to  be  declared  an  archaeological  site.

From  all  round  the  clock, not  only  the  castle  itself ,  but  its  archaeological  importance, wealth  of  information  and  artifacts  are  in  greatest  jeopardy.

For  a  long  time, the  fort  has  been  exploited  in  the  name  of   knowledge  and  treasure, looted  for  objects, destroyed  out  of  idle  curiosity  and plundered  for  material  for  new  construction.

downloadoSumming  up,  the  purpose  behind  the  erection  of  the  fort  might have  been  stationing  troops ,  strengthening  the  Power  of  kingdom, but above all , the security  of  kings  and  their  families .  However ,  in  this  day  and  age ,  the  fort  itself  is  in  dire  need  of  security .

A  prompted  and  substantive  action  on  the  part  of  government ,  NGOs  and  the  department  of  archaeology  is  much  needed  for  the  purpose  of  fort’s  safety  and  protection.  There  is  no  time  better  than  now  to  take  initiatives  rather  than  analyzing  the  causes  in  the  aftermath  of  its  collapse .

It  is  pertinent  to  request  the  provincial  and  district  authorities  to  implement  the  orders  of  Supreme   Court  of  Pakistan, issued  couple  of  years  ago ,  to  build  a  backyard  for  the  fort’s  protection  and  preservation.  Proactive  policies  should  be  made  so that  not  a  piece  of  heritage  but the  whole  of  the  fort  is preserved.

the awkward state of education in kharan

No doubt, education plays a vital role in every compartment of life. It richly contributes in development and prosperity of a nation and/or country.

as for as kharan’s education state is concerned, it is totally abysmal. Many of the schools have become “ghost schools”. teachers do not bother to go to their concerned schools to teach their classes even in headquarter, then how do they go to remote areas??

Students, living in kharan, have an extra ordinary interest in education, but either  the absentees of teachers, lack of building or schools’ closure becomes the cause of assassination of their desire to be educated. the state of education in headquarter is worse. It becomes worse to worst in rural areas. the schools, in scattered villages, are  closed throughout the year  and the presence of the concerned teacher is once in a blue moon.

while talking to a student in this regard, he said, “most of teachers, who have their duties in villages, do not go to their schools to teach their classes because they have been appointed on political basis. they receive their salary while staying at home. He furthermore exposed his reservations that how the state of education in district can be escalated if teachers are appointed on the basis of nepotism and favoritism”.1549273_431023213713656_4704767613773938099_n

the condition of degree college is further abysmal. there is dearth of lecturers of key subjects such as, chemistry, math, physics, computer etc. the premises of college shows a silence picture. students do not go to college, as there is an acute shortage of lecturers.10712868_1553470278226444_6847716282706185662_n

kharan, the backward most district of Balochistan in the field of education, has always been the victim of ignorance by government.

Higher authorities are responsible to take stern and uncompromising action against the fleeting teachers. Much and more has to be done for the abatement of teacher’s absentees. pay heed to the infrastructure of schools. New teachers to be appointed in dense-populated schools. Fair and free appointment to be ensured. Teachers have to be well-equipped with latest technologies to mount up the graph of education in district..

Facebook and our youth

Facebook is a tool of social media. It was introduced for the first time in 2004. From the very first beginning it kissed the feet of success and became popular by leaps and bounds worldwide. It is one of the easiest, cheapest and accessible source of communication.  By time and age it has become the apple of every one’s eye. People of different ages voraciously use it in common, but the youth in particular.

Our youth has, to such extent, drenched in it that they have made it the real destination of their lives. They pass most of their time with it. Though for a time being it lets them have a sort of entertainment, but they are unaware of the underground realities that how much it wastes their time and causes a great havoc to them.

“Facebook has created a gigantic gap between the students and their books”, revealed a report by a private TV channel.  “the students, However,fail to fill in this segregation space” , added the report.

It(facebook), though is a two sided picture as negative and positive, but our youth has only been indulged with it’s negative side. It has so many points that can be counted as positive points,  but heart- rendingly , our youth has steeped in it negatively to such extent that they have given up consulting their respective courses and confined themselves just with this time consuming technology.

If one interconnects with it once, then one becomes addicted to it.

To conclude, in the beginning the students may find abundance of fun in it, but on the contrary,  it drags them miles away from their books,  which are the real friends and companions.

peshawar massacre

the heart- wrenching and nerve shattering attack in peshawar,the capital city of province khyber pakhtunkhwa,  on 16th of Dec 2014, claimed more than one hundred precious lives of school children. It might be a defining moment for the state of Pakistan and the democratic political process in Pakistan. The attack took place in the same day when the Pakistani nation was already numbed with the grief of dhaka tragedy 1971.

The responsibility of one of the worst- ever blood shades in the history of Pakistan, was claimed by tehrik-e- taliban Pakistan(TTP).

The attack killed more than one hundred students, the proud sons and daughters of nation,  along with teaching staff and many more people sustained injuries.

This is not for the first time that the country has met with a blood shade, but  it has been witnessing such a horrifying carnages for a decade and the land of Pakistan has many times taken bath with the blood of innocent people.

Pakistan has plethora of issues with it’s security. It is rather unfortunate knowing that the terrorists are knocking us down in every nook and cranny of the country, but the government has not prepared any proper  strategy to protect the public and eliminate the terrorism from the country.

The aforementioned attack has hit the minds of parents to such extent that they fear to send their children to school in other parts of the country, as the TTP has threatened to blow up schools in rest of the country. But we must realise that it is only aware and willing parents who can ensure that such a deplorable incidents do not happen again. If we desire a healthy and educated future for our country, the first step is to inculcate awareness.

Here the responsibility belongs to government to lead the nation from the front so that the attack does not influence the education sector,  which is already the victim of shabbiness.  But it is distressingly said that every individual from government has played his part just by condemning the attack.

It’s of course not the time to condemn a such a huge problem(terrorism), but it is the time to wake up, to make effective strategies to eliminate terrorism from our country.

May Allah Almighty help us in this sacred mission to restore peace, prosperity and the supremacy of Islamic laws in our country. Ameen